Play nice...
April 25, 2009
Be good, play nice, work hard. The three things I tell my little guy every day as I see him off to school. Only about 4 weeks of school left and we'll be done for another year. Kind of hard to believe. I'll be sending two of them off on the bus next year and I can't let myself think about that too hard. sigh.
We've been a bit crazy around a new mini van! Well, new to us anyway. :-) We've been thinking about it for awhile as ours is getting old and lots of miles and we just happened across a deal we didn't think we could pass up. It has a DVD player which the kids are THRILLED with. and me too. :-D Freezing cold soccer this morning....40 degrees and WINDY! ..and now just lazing around on this dark, dreary Saturday. I should take advantage of the quiet and sneak in some creating time, but I'm feeling awefully lazy.
Just a few cards to share with you today. Just playin'. Just havin' fun. I am all caught up on assignments and such and it is the best feeling. :-) Haven't been this caught up for months. Just playing around with some new Little Yellow Bicycle Zinnia goodies...
And another...
And another....
I have a few more that I'll share in the next few days. Sorry for the random post...yikes. Off to see if I can find some's a laaaaazy day here. :-)