Golden Days
October 29, 2007
I have had a line from one of my favorite hymns running through my head for the last week -- "I know not what of good or ill may be reserved for me, of weary ways or golden days, before His face I see." And it is such a good reminder to me that these really are "golden days". We have a simple life, free of any major difficulties, with three healthy, beautiful children. Sometimes I'm tempted (ok, lots of times I'm more than just tempted!) to complain about the little things or get worn out from Mommy duty. But, today is my husband's birthday and it was 5 years ago today that we buried his dad. It has just really hit me lately that we need to appreciate these times, becuase life is no guarentee. Yes, these really are "golden days".
Ok, enough mushy-gushy stuff on a Monday morning! :-) On to some scrapping. I finally got a chance to play around with the new Tinkering Ink Blur line. If you have not taken a peek at this line, you definitely need to go to the TI Blog and check it out. Pure fun! here are three lo's I did with this line.
Oh, and this is totally off topic, but if anyone reading this has a baby that is on Similac (or knows someone with a baby on Similac), I have $10 worth of coupons that I would love to send to someone that could use them. I hat to just throw them away, but I don't use it and I keep getting coupons in the mail. Throwing them feels like tossing a $10 bill in the trash. So, just leave a comment if you want them and I'll get them to you!